Friday, September 14, 2012

Thoughts in a Princess Bed

I picked up my stuff and left that day. The last thing I recall is the frustration building up over Sunshine’s fragile condition, followed by his disappearance altogether. I picked up my stuff and made my way to the place I used to call home, six months ago - add or subtract a day or two.

In between doggy-time, and arguing with a brother that’s a walking cliché, I was analyzing my life, as per usual, and reflected on many things, starting with my growing desire to spend time coloring pictures with magic markers.

While laying in my four-poster princess bed surrounded by the red walls that I don’t miss that much, I also began to ponder the whereabouts of the order and clarity I so deeply admire – that is when there aren’t twenty-eight-thousand items on my worry-list, but how can I not worry about twenty-eight-thousand items, when I happen to be a Virgo-child with a constant need to fix, fix, fix, and improve – just about everything.

This is what I thought about:

-My desire to go on a hunt for a new fragrance – something sweet, something sexy, something…bold with a touch of Virgo-child perfection.

-My excitement for the fall; the changing leaves falling by the day, the cold crisp weather accompanied by the season’s fashion, hot cups of tea and philosophical discussions, pumpkin-flavored-everything, and the chance to wear the never-ending-collection of coats in my closet.

-The return of ‘Sunshine’ in the week that follows, and all the things I’m going to do when I have my life back as it was – a shopping spree, a night out to an extravagant lounge, a breakfast with the ladies, a solo adventure down Yonge street, a date to someplace ordinary like a museum followed by something rather strange, and a train trip…somewhere to the middle of nowhere.

-Returning to school with a clearer picture of where I am headed, minus the useless electives that I haven’t quite enjoyed, except that philosophy course that has improved my conversation skills and overall understanding of humans.

-An intervention in the area of romance and the abrupt decision I made to never shed a tear for another guy again. Ever.

-The feeling of fulfillment returning to my apartment, with a newly-discovered appreciation for days spent in a towel, and the self-made earthquakes in my building, thanks to Spice Girls blasting through the speakers.

-The very pretty book I bought, filled with all sorts of fairy tales, that I intend to read each night before bed time.

-The overall sense of satisfaction, butterflies, and non-stop thrill from having a special someone a part of my life in the last X

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