Consider me an optimist who worries about unimportant things. I happen to be a Virgo, and what can I say, anxiety is a vital and obvious part of my existence. Born with a gift to over-analyze the most random and useless events, I know how to complicate sh**, and nine times out of ten, I don't know what's best for me thanks to my indecisive nature.

My hopes are pretty high up there. I have two main goals in life one of which include taking over the world obtaining CEO title at the hospital where I work. I have smaller goals too. I want to finish University and score a high-paying job in the field of healthcare so I could fulfill my heart-aching desire to spend a third of my life working in a hospital. I want to live in the heart of the city and add to my never ending collection of clothes every single weekend. I want to drive a white Range Rover. I want to be a mother of one, maybe two children, and above all things in life I want to kill Bill a 'Happily ever after'.

I've always been a sucker for Fairytales and happy endings but unlike the girls who blab about that stuff only existing in the movies and such, I actually and religiously believe that I will get mine. Apparently I've got enough on my plate, because being disabled is supposed to defeat the purpose of your life, or something and confine you to a bed twenty-five hours a day with nothing but the four walls surrounding you. I'm not actually disabled, I just use a wheelchair because I fell from heaven walking has never been my thing. I won't tell you exactly why, but it's something like my joints aren't bendy enough, or something.

Delusional, perhaps, but even if I was being delusional - which I'm not - everyone is entitled to an X amount of ignorance, and I happen to be one of those people after all!

Lately I've been thinking about the slightly tragic events - accompanied by the stupid people - that I've come face to face with in a period of X. That typed, I'm here to write about life, love, sex, and fun with a twist of my eccentric nature.